Friday, August 21, 2009

We are poor community looking for free computers,PLease assist us?

We are in need of free computers to teach our children in schools,because we can not afford to buy even one,Please advise whom we can get from.

We are poor community looking for free computers,PLease assist us?bmw

Contact local suppliers of computers and agencies such as United Way they often will assist schools in need of equipment and supplies. It never hurts to call the computer manufacter either but you want to speak to the corporate office and ask for public relations. You may also check with local employers and ask if they will donate old equipment they are changing out to your school. It is tax write off for them and most companies replace computer equipment every 3 years so the systems will not be to far out of date.

MS and other software companies also donate software to schools or non profit groups so call them as well for any software you need to teach the children as well. Be prepared to submit requests in writing as most companies do have processes in place that require specail forms or written requests detailing need and requirements.

We are poor community looking for free computers,PLease assist us?free adware remover

Call Bill Gates, BR-549
i call bs on this one. schools in america are provided with a certain amount of money for computers since the clinton administration. no school in america is an exception to this rule. if you are outside america, then why don't you let us know where you are so we can send money and/or computers? why is this written like a 14 yr old wrote it, and without any kind of detail as to how to officially contact?
sometimes they give some away in craigslist... go there and click on your state and go under free many times they give them away
I'm not sure where you live but I know some communites do deals with schools if people shop in their store and save the receipts. Good Luck

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