Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Is there a limit to how many computers you can download the software to?

I have the Britannica Encyclopedia. I was wondering if there were only a certain number of computers you could download it to? Or is it pretty much unlimited?

Is there a limit to how many computers you can download the software to?suzuki

Well there is 2 answers for ur case:

1.U just payd%26downloaded a software . This kinda software have a clearly NR . of PC-s u can install that software (1,2 or more). Becoze most of them require a web activation software comp. can easily track u down if u wanna install it on more PC than is specified.

2. You just download a freeware / trial / demo / GNU software .Those softwares can be used on any computer a limited/unlimited nr. of days .....after then must be activated on web.If you wanna know more.....

Feel free to contact me on yahoo messenger for more details.

Is there a limit to how many computers you can download the software to?virus

Please keep in mind that although Wikipedia is *free*, you get what you paid for. In particular, Wikipedia doesn't get the same sort of editorial review and professional fact-checking that Britannica has (and in fact, that editing is a *large* part of why a Britannica is so expensive...)
There are licensing limits. Technically, you're supposed to get a new program for each PC.
why have an encyclopedia? there is a site called that is basically a better, more current and free encyclopedia.

no, there is no limit to the number of copies.

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