Monday, August 17, 2009

What is the best types of computers ?

home computers ?

What is the best types of computers ?antivirus download

Desk top computers are the way to go. You will get a faster computer than a laptop at the same price. Laptops are usually 1.5 times more expensive than the desktop conterpart in terms of specifications. You are definiately paying for your portablity. Laptops are good for home or office use. They are not recommended for gaming.

The best overall desktop type of computer is an eMachine. They are well built and are not expensive. They even have a unique program that automatically fixes any erros that windows likes to give people that cannot be found on any other computer. It is best used as a home, office, or internet computer.

If you are looking for a gaming computer, the best way is to build your own. There are no "cheaper" brands that are really gamer friendly. The best gaming computer would be Alienware. They build computers specifically for gamers. If you have the money, this is the way to go.

Hp is ok, and is usable. Hp is more geared toward picture management, home video optimization, media, ect.




These computers are "cookie cutters." They are produced en mass and are not well built. The components that they use are not optimized for the computer. Cheaper is not always better. For example, the RAM is not fast enough to keep up the the CPU or vice versa. And what I hear from other people, Dell's customer support sucks.

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