Hi folks!
I am hoping someone with some web site experience can help me. My website is www.dvdphotoworks.com. That will bring you to where you have to choose high speed or low. If you click on high, it should bring you to a page where a TV is and a "waving flag" on the screen. After about 7 seconds, or when you click a link, you come to another page where a video should play. The videos are .flv files embedded into a .swf file. The problem is when I check the site on other computers, sometimes the video plays and sometimes it doesnt. The .swf file usually always comes up (the television set) but the .flv file does not always play. Any ideas why this would be?
Why would flash video play on some computers but not on others?norton antivirus
.flv hmm...
is that quicktime?
well if it is..some people do not have quicktime installed on there computer.
the .swf worked for me.
Im working on a website too.
email me, maybe we can help each other out with problems we encounter (i cross many)
im using dreamweaver though
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