I want to repair computers for a living...so what kind of degree should I go for?
What major should i choose to fix computers?norton internet security
College %26 university courses are for harware and software engineers (designers), not repair techs. Repair techs go to special vocational schools that deal only in that topic OR they get it in the military training. Also some junior colleges offer electronics courses that apply to all techno applications, including computers.
You only need a major in regular colleges, not tech schools.
What major should i choose to fix computers?spyware remove
Bsc,computer science?
Computers-Maintenance and repair
or if you want to maintain and repair networks Computer Networking--Linux or Microsoft
most people will automatically say computer science, but that's more programming and computer architect, not actually fixing computers. A+ Certification and Network+ opens a lot of computer repair jobs opportunities. MCSE, Cisco, Novell, or Linux are really good to have if you want to do it for a long time with bigger companies. if you're into degrees, go Electrical Engineering with or without Computer science. As and EE coming out, you aren't an engineer unless you pass the engineer exam. in the mean time, you'll probably land a job as a hardware specialist. you get paid as an engineer and fix computer on a larger scale. an associate degree will get you a job, but it's not as permant or high paying. IT jobs are like roller coaster rides, the demand goes up and down. invest in more education and it'll be less bumpy. It's all about your certifications.
Bachelor's of Computer Science
Theres several, and they vary from college to college.
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