Sunday, August 23, 2009

Can the IPs of a group of computers provided by, say, the school library, be exactly the same?

Given that there's no dynamic IP and the IPs of computers within short distance at school are checked to be exactly the same.

Can the IPs of a group of computers provided by, say, the school library, be exactly the same?anti virus software

every computer will have several IP addresses.

if say in this case the school has ONE phone line for internet connection then anyone looking at the computer network from the internet would see the same IP address that of the schools gateway (modem/router).

however internally each computer will have it's own IP address provided by the DHCP server on the Router.

if the school has a wireless network then again the above is true. any computer using the schools network would appear to the outside world to have the same IP address as the school.

so in short YES the external IP address as seen by a web browser outside on the WAN and not the internal LAN of the shool library (in this case).

on a LAN you would need to use the remote computers name or IP address as provided by the router typically the number would begin 192.168.x.x where x could be anything depending on the routers configuration.

if you have a webserver on a the machine you are working on and no internet connection and the server is running (the software program) you can type and you would normally route to your internal computers web server.

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