Friday, August 21, 2009

What's the best career choice in computers?

I'm looking to start a carrer in the field of computers, mabe internet technical support or something like that but i have no expierience except basic knowledge. Can anyone help me determine what type of class or course i should take in order to start a well paying carrer.

What's the best career choice in computers?norton 2008

read cash flow quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki

What's the best career choice in computers?pop up blocker

It depends on how much time and money you have, and the type of commitment you want to make, which career choice you'll be able to make. The most popular IT jobs are database and networking jobs right now. Both require coursework, and networking requires that you pass a number of IT certification exams as well (it doesn't hurt to get database certs for Oracle either). It use to be you could know how to do the job and get it, or just get an associates degree, but most IT jobs require that you have a Bachelor's degree.

With an associates degree you could work at a help desk or repair computers, but these jobs come and go, some have been outsourced. But some are coming back since it hasn't worked out well with differences in time zones and culture.

Otherwise a bachelor's degree working with networking or databases are the safest. Computer software engineers who work with applications or systems software are also hot. Other jobs need training and experience, like systems analysis, security administration, database administration and network administration. You have to be careful with programming, since a bunch of it has been outsourced, but definitely not all, since web design and development will be needed for years.

Good luck!
I don't know, maybe an IT poop monster.
I hear software engineering still has some decent job market value. Alot of the IT stuff gets out sourced to India.

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