I have always bought HP computers ( at least 7 over the years) and been very pleased with them - until recently. In January my granddaughter plugged her digital camera into the front USB port on her Pavillion a700y and the screen went blank. The computer would not restart - no activity at all. Diagnosis - the motherboard was dead. Last week I plugged a memory stick into the front USB port of my Pavillion a350y and the screen went blank, computer would not re-boot. After troubleshooting, determined that the motherboard was dead. Seems like quite a coincidence. HP has not responded when I asked if there was a problem. (I just ordered a new Dell) Has anyone else had similar problems?
Is there a problem with the front USB ports on HP computers?antivirus software
You should go with a Mac. They save space and don;t get viruses.
Is there a problem with the front USB ports on HP computers?computer virus
Ya thats a problem you must report to the manufacturer.
My front USB exploded!
I don't thinko so!
you'll love the dell
did we check for compatibilty? bef doing this? I am curious as to who determined the Mother board was dead and how?
HP is a pretty decent ibm clone and one of the best for non computer literate people.perhaps we have a conflict of irq settings etc? DID we check that? usually its the simple stuff that causes the screen to freeze.Since its clear you are not versed in tech knowledge and bef you waste a fortune on new stuff you prolly dont need anyhow... try hp support or perhaps a good local tech support person, one with a college degree and certifications as well... SInce what you are saying is relatively impossible to have happened, perhaps you are missing or have missed something, and psst a locked startup screen does not make for a fried MB...
front usb ports r ment for the devices like pen drive and this type of devices which consumes less power as there is not a direct connection on the motherboard it is connected via a header cable and does not supports high power consuming devices like cameras and 5.25" usb hdd enclosures and printers
these r supposed to be connected at the rear side
That's all I use and I've never faced such problem!
If your computer is not working properly while you are working on it, it could be a problem with device drivers, hardware or software.
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