Monday, August 17, 2009

I'm 16, saving for my first laptop, know nothing about computers, HELP!!!!!!!!?

i want one that has the internet thing so you don't have to stick the wireless card in, it's built in. i'll be using it for school (college papers, research), myspace, yahoo answers, other internet pleasures. i also like to put my music on there (and i have a lot of that), and i shoot movies and music videos with my friends so I'll be editing it on this computer. i need a lot of internal memory because the one i have now (a SUPER old one of my dad's) is down to 1% memory left and i have barely anything on there. not a very big gamer, hearts and pinball just about does it for me, and i don't like MAC computers. also i need one that comes with the firewall cable port and a dvd player and cd burner. if there is a computer out there like that, can you give me the link? and can you find one under $1000? thanks.

I'm 16, saving for my first laptop, know nothing about computers, HELP!!!!!!!!?antivirus programs

I would go with Dell.

You can price them out on their website:

It lets you select all of your options, and gives you the price (you can do this over and over - make sure to get the final price with tax and shipping, which is sometimes free).

I built the laptop for my studio for about $800 with a huge harddrive, lots of memory, an AMD processor, and the only thing I added later was an external sound card. It has worked flawlessly.

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