Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Are there any good online site(or even a store) that sells computer parts or build computers in Aust

Yeah, like my question said, i'm looking to build a computer, but i need an online site that sells PC parts or can build it for me and ship in Australia. I'm looking for a site like, but in australia (or ship to Australia). I haven't seen any computers store yet in Canberra that sells that kind of things, but if you know one there, tell me :)

Are there any good online site(or even a store) that sells computer parts or build computers in Australia?

For general purpose computers try these also:

But if you want a gaming system, start here:

This outfit is in Australia

Also you can do a Google or Yahoo search

Are there any good online site(or even a store) that sells computer parts or build computers in Australia?antivirus downloads

Both very good sites with reasonable prices.

I hope this helps and they do ship world wide! Good luck and I hope this is helpful to you!

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